GCI agronomy team comprises of over 100 staff s working in three states in India. The agri team is made up of field managers, Area in charges, field officers, buyers, helpers, auditors etc. Our managers, with 20+ years of experience in the field of agriculture, are well equipped with the technical knowledge to guide the farmers in getting the best output from each crop. Our team grows Gherkins, Jalapenos, paprika, babycorn, sweetcorn, cauliflower, red bell pepper, Lombardi chilli, Demon chilli etc
Auditing team ensure fertilizer and chemical Package of practice(POP), Fruit fly protocols are followed as per norms.

Field offices are located near growing areas. This ensures regular guidance to the farmers on appropriate crop rotation practices and sanitation practices.
POP follow up – GCI has it s own package of practice for fertilizer and chemical applications. Based on our R & D, we have arrived at the above practices to ensure production of safe product at the same time provide the best farm productivity to our farmers. All our crops are GMO free and our residue monitoring protocol ensure s all our products adhere to the EU & US residue requirements.
Financing of crop growing by Good Crop India through input supplies and modern technology adoption like drip & mulch enables small and marginal farmers to take up growing. In case of adverse weather, any losses due to crop failure are borne by the company.
we ensure total traceability from seed distribution, input usage, harvesting by farmers, and production process up to final delivery of products to customers worldwide. We document the activities of farmers to ensure traceability from farm to factory.

Ethical practices – GCI team is trained on ensuring ethical practices are being followed in the field operations. Safety of our staff s during work, Prevention of discrimination at work place or in farms, Prevention of child labor, ensuring minimum wages are few of our focus. We adhere to zero tolerance on these In our field offices as well as at farms.
Fruit fly prevention – GCI has a dedicated team to counter the menace of fruit fly infestation. Our standard protocol with indigenously designed traps helps us keep the fruit fly under control and produce good quality vegetables.
Our Focus Areas
We strongly believe that organic production is important to ensure sustainability in soil fertility, prevention of water contamination and maintaining the ecological balance. Our research team have been working on trail plots and we are hopeful to do commercial production of organic farming within next two years. A dedicated team is set up to ensure successful trails of organic growing. Our company is associated with ecocert for organic certification.